24 December 2024
C# 12.0: inline arrays In C# 12 and .Net 8, you can define a fixed-sized array, which is much more efficient for the memory and the garbage collector. [InlineArray(3)] public struct ThreeFloats { ...
C# 12.0: inline arrays In C# 12 and .Net 8, you can define a fixed-sized array, which is much more efficient for the memory and the garbage collector. [InlineArray(3)] public struct ThreeFloats { ...
Storing times for human events Interesting idea that actually makes sense - don’t store user events in UTC. Instead store the user’s intent time and the location/timezone. Circumventing Python’s ...
Series: Working with the result pattern A four-part series explaining the result pattern. Part 1 - Replacing Exceptions-as-flow-control with the result pattern Explaining what the result pattern...
Everything You Want to Know About the Record Type in .NET… But Were Afraid to Ask I should remember to use C# record types more often. use init for properties to make them immutable (only sett...
Australia/Lord_Howe is the weirdest timezone In case it wasn’t clear yet, timezones are difficult! 10 Lessons I Learned from Using Aspire in Production TL;DR: Aspire is nice, but not trivial to ...
How to become an expert in anything The 4 Stages of Competence: Unconscious Incompetence: you don’t know what you don’t know (unknown unknowns) Conscious Incompetence: you know that you don’...
Conveying Context with AsyncLocal AsyncLocal Represents ambient data that is local to a given asynchronous control flow, such as an asynchronous method. It’s a static class that allows you t...
Add a Property to the Top-level Statements Program class Top-level statement Program files are handy, but how can you add properties to them? You can add methods directly into the file, but not pr...
What can devs do about code review anxiety? I listened to this Stack Overflow podcast with Carol Lee PhD. Being a PhD, she’s written a research paper: Anxiety about giving and receiving code r...
Are We Web5 Yet? Web5 is the idea of decentralized identity. I looked around and didn’t quite get it The idea seems nice - an identity that you can use everywhere with no-one in contro...